Slotted Spring Pin

Slotted Spring Pin

Connect with quality: Durable Double HH slotted spring pins available in a wide variety of sizes.

Standard Package = 100 pieces

61182 1/16″ 3/8″ 0.001
61183 1/16″ 1/2″ 0.001
61184 1/16″ 5/8″ 0.001
61185 1/16″ 3/4″ 0.001
61186 1/16″ 1″ 0.002
61189 3/32″ 3/4″ 0.002
61191 3/32″ 1/2″ 0.002
61193 3/32″ 5/8″ 0.002
61195 3/32″ 3/4″ 0.001
61201 3/32″ 1″ 0.001
61198 1/8″ 3/4″ 0.002
61199 1/8″ 7/8″ 0.002
61200 1/8″ 1″ 0.003
61205 1/8″ 3/8″ 0.002
61206 1/8″ 1/2″ 0.001
61207 1/8″ 5/8″ 0.002
61210 1/8″ 1-1/2″ 0.004
61212 3/16″ 1/2″ 0.003
61216 3/16″ 3/4″ 0.004
61220 3/16″ 1″ 0.006
61221 3/16″ 1-1/4″ 0.007
61230 3/16″ 1-1/2″ 0.008
61234 3/16″ 2″ 0.011
61236 3/16″ 2-1/2″ 0.013
61238 3/16″ 3″ 0.016
61240 7/32″ 1-1/2″ 0.011
61242 1/4″ 5/8″ 0.005
61244 1/4″ 3/4″ 0.006
61248 1/4″ 1″ 0.009
61250 1/4″ 1-1/4″ 0.011
61260 1/4″ 1-1/2″ 0.013
61270 1/4″ 2″ 0.017
61272 1/4″ 2-1/2″ 0.020
61274 1/4″ 3″ 0.258
61275 1/4″ 3-1/2″ 0.033
61276 5/16″ 3/4″ 0.010
61277 5/16″ 1″ 0.013
61279 5/16″ 1-1/4″ 0.017
61280 5/16″ 1-1/2″ 0.020
61290 5/16″ 2″ 0.028
61294 5/16″ 2-1/2″ 0.036
61296 5/16″ 3″ 0.040
61298 3/8″ 1″ 0.020
61299 3/8″ 1-1/4″ 0.025
61300 3/8″ 1-1/2″ 0.030
61310 3/8″ 2″ 0.040
61311 3/8″ 2-1/2″ 0.050
61314 3/8″ 3″ 0.060
61312 7/16″ 1-1/2″ 0.038
61315 7/16″ 2″ 0.049

Standard Package = 5 bags

51182 1/16″ 3/8″ 15 0.003
51183 1/16″ 1/2″ 15 0.005
51184 1/16″ 5/8″ 15 0.005
51185 1/16″ 3/4″ 10 0.004
51186 1/16″ 1″ 10 0.006
51189 3/32″ 3/4″ 15 0.008
51191 3/32″ 1/2″ 10 0.007
51193 3/32″ 5/8″ 10 0.009
51195 3/32″ 3/4″ 10 0.011
51201 3/32″ 1″ 10 0.014
51198 1/8″ 3/4″ 10 0.018
51199 1/8″ 7/8″ 10 0.021
51200 1/8″ 1″ 10 0.025
51205 1/8″ 3/8″ 8 0.009
51206 1/8″ 1/2″ 7 0.012
51207 1/8″ 5/8″ 8 0.015
51210 1/8″ 1-1/2″ 5 0.020
51212 3/16″ 1/2″ 8 0.021
51216 3/16″ 3/4″ 7 0.027
51220 3/16″ 1″ 5 0.028
51221 3/16″ 1-1/4″ 5 0.033
51230 3/16″ 1-1/2″ 3 0.040
51234 3/16″ 2″ 3 0.033
51236 3/16″ 2-1/2″ 3 0.040
51238 3/16″ 3″ 3 0.048
51240 7/32″ 1-1/2″ 3 0.039
51242 1/4″ 5/8″ 5 0.027
51244 1/4″ 3/4″ 5 0.032
51248 1/4″ 1″ 3 0.026
51250 1/4″ 1-1/4″ 3 0.032
51260 1/4″ 1-1/2″ 3 0.039
51270 1/4″ 2″ 2 0.034
51272 1/4″ 2-1/2″ 2 0.040
51274 1/4″ 3″ 2 0.052
51275 1/4″ 3-1/2″ 1 0.033
51276 5/16″ 3/4″ 3 0.030
51277 5/16″ 1″ 2 0.026
51279 5/16″ 1-1/4″ 2 0.033
51280 5/16″ 1-1/2″ 2 0.040
51290 5/16″ 2″ 1 0.028
51294 5/16″ 2-1/2″ 1 0.036
51296 5/16″ 3″ 1 0.040
51298 3/8″ 1″ 2 0.040
51299 3/8″ 1-1/4″ 2 0.050
51300 3/8″ 1-1/2″ 1 0.030
51310 3/8″ 2″ 1 0.040
51311 3/8″ 2-1/2″ 1 0.050
51314 3/8″ 3″ 1 0.060
51312 7/16″ 1-1/2″ 1 0.038
51315 7/16″ 2″ 1 0.049
51317 7/16″ 1″ 1 0.049
51319 1/2″ 2″ 1 0.051

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